TCARES General Membership Monthly Breakfast and Meeting
My Garden Cafe 14270 Mono Way, Sonora, CA, United StatesAll are welcome, JOIN US! Come to the back room around or just before 9 AM to order your breakfast... or just a cup of coffee. At 9:30 we will begin our formal agenda. Typical Agenda: 9:30 LOCATION BELOW:
Emergency Drill: Perfect Storm SJV
Scenario: A cyber attack against critical infrastructure has brought down all common-carrier communications systems across the San Joaquin Valley Section of the ARRL. This includes land-line and cellular systems as well as the Internet. A second attack disables the power grid, causing widespread blackouts throughout the section. Amateur Radio Participants are to shelter in place […]
Intermediate Radio Class
Learn intermediate radio communications skills with a focus on the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) with more in-depth skills that will cover hand held, mobile and base station radios, frequencies, antennas, radio programing, repeaters and signal propagation. A NO TEST LICENSE is required to transmit on the GMRS frequencies. However, you can transmit without a license on […]
JAMESTOWN Run Radio Support
Jamestown CHP 18437 5th Ave, Jamestown, CA, United StatesMeet at Jamestown CHP office at 7:00 am for briefing. Ham radio operators will be assigned a station along the run route. Check in on our nets to let us know if you can help provide radio support.
Ham Radio Test Session
Tuolumne County Library 480 Greenley Rd, Sonora, United States1.MANDATORY BEFORE THE EXAM FCC Registration Number (FRN): Examinees are required by the FCC to submit your FRN with your license application form. New license applicants must create an FCC user account and register their Social Security Number (SSN) in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions. Registrants will be assigned an FRN which will be used […]
Ham Radio DX Convention
The 76th Annual International DX Convention sponsored by the Northern California DX Club will be held at Visalia Conference Center in Visalia, California from April 11th - 13th, 2025. Learn the secrets of working DX quickly and efficiently. Discover the fun of chasing IOTA. Attend the Contest Forum, Antenna Forum, DX Forum, Contest Academy or DX Academy.  […]
Big Bear Ham Escape (hamfest)
Big Bear Ham Escape, a fun-filled event for amateur radio enthusiasts! Get ready for a weekend filled with exciting activities, informative seminars, and great networking opportunities. Meet and greets with author Gordon West, ARRL Orange Section SM, and YLRL, and more to come. The event will take place at the Holiday Inn Resort located on […]
Groveland Grind Bike Event Radio Support
Yosemite Lakes RV Resort 31191 Hardin Flat Rd, Groveland, CaliforniaThe Ultimate Gravel/MTB Cycling Adventure Returns to Groveland, CA! The Groveland Grind is a Yosemite Area Adventure Ride on mixed terrain(pavement, broken pavement, dirt and gravel)on Yosemite National Park’s doorstep! Three amazing routes with amazing views to choose from- Ride the 48 miles Long route- The Rumble up to Trumbull(Peak), the 30 miles medium route […]
ARRL Ham Radio Field Day June 2025
Mi-Wuk Sugar Pine Fire Station 24247 Highway 108, Mi Wuk Village, CA, United StatesField Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day […]
Pacificon 2025 Ham Radio Convention
Sam Ramon Marriott 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon, CA, United States acificon awarded radios to the youngest ham and twin 11 year old girls from Napa that passed their Technician exam on Saturday morning, the second and third youngest. With permission, above is their reaction to their exam results with their proud father Nik W6QY. Over $11,000 was given out as prizes. Three jumpers made […]