The Tuolumne County Amateur Radio & Electronics Society (hereinafter “TCARES”) is formed for the purposes of, in order of priority, supporting local agencies and events, encouraging amateur radio operating, and maintaining viable communications in Tuolumne County through the use of amateur radio repeaters.
TCARES will meet its stated purposes by promoting interest in amateur radio communication, promoting experimentation in amateur radio communication, promoting amateur radio communication itself, supporting public and community services and organizations in their communication needs, advancing the general interest in and welfare of amateur radio in the communities within Tuolumne County.
- Regular Membership in TCARES is open to any person who has a valid Amateur Radio License issued by the United States Federal Communications Commission (hereinafter “FCC”).
- Business Membership is open to any business wishing to support TCARES and its purposes. Business Members may attend any function of TCARES including Membership and Board Meetings. Business Membership is a non-voting membership. Business Membership dues shall be three (3) times the annual dues for Regular Membership or other considerations determined by the board.
- Affiliate Membership is open to any individual wishing to support TCARES and its purposes. Affiliate Members may attend any TCARES function including Membership and Board Meetings. Affiliate Membership is a non-voting membership. Affiliate Membership dues shall be the same as the annual dues for Regular Membership.
- Lifetime Membership is awarded by the Board of Directors to those individuals or businesses that have demonstrated sustained and substantial support to amateur radio in general and TCARES in particular. Lifetime Members are entitled to all the benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled as either Regular, Business, or Affiliate member as the case may be. Lifetime Members are relieved of paying club dues and levies. Lifetime Regular Members are voting members.
- The Board may cancel or decline membership to any person or business. A person or business whose membership has been canceled or declined is eligible to apply for membership only if the Board has acted to authorize the person to apply.
- By majority vote, the Board may designate other membership types (i.e. associate, affiliate, commercial) along with associated rights and responsibilities.
- The officers of TCARES are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Directors. The Board of Directors (hereinafter “Board”) is these seven (7) officers.
- The term of office for each Officer is 2 years.
- The President, Secretary, and Director C terms of office commence on January 1 of each even-numbered year; the Vice-President, Treasurer and Directors A and B terms of office commence on January 1 of each odd-numbered year.
- The duties of the officers are defined in the TCARES By-Laws.
- The Officers are selected by plurality vote of the ballots cast by members. Elections will be conducted pursuant to provisions in the TCARES By-Laws.
- Vacancies occurring mid-term will be filled by appointment of the Board upon a majority vote of the Board Members present at a meeting of the Board. Officers appointed in this manner will serve the full remaining term of that office.
- Each officer, except the President, shall have one (1) vote on business before the Board. The President only votes to break a tie. An officer may delegate his / her vote to another officer by written proxy.
- Any officer may be removed from office at any time by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the TCARES members present at a Regular Membership Meeting.
- The President may appoint such other ‘support’ officers and committees as he/she deems necessary for the efficient operation of TCARES (for example, Historian, Corresponding Secretary, Event Chair, Publicity Chair). These will not be voting officers, will not be considered when determining a quorum, and will not be obligated to attend Board Meetings.
- The officers of TCARES shall meet as a Board of Directors at least five (5) times in each 12 months.
- The times, dates, and locations of Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be delineated in the TCARES By-Laws.
- The President or a majority of the Board (4 Officers) may call a Special Board Meeting.
- The quorum of officers required for the conduct of TCARES business is four (4) Officers.
- Meetings of the Board are open to any TCARES member.
- Conduct of meetings shall be governed by commonly accepted practices without strict adherence to any specific parliamentary procedure(s).
- Board Members may attend meetings by conference call.
- The Board shall act by majority vote of the Board Members present at a Meeting of the Board.
- Except as articulated elsewhere in this Constitution, the Board shall have the exclusive authority to act and make decisions on behalf of TCARES. Such authority may be delegated to individuals or groups by Board action.
- Once approved by the Board, the minutes of Board Meetings are the official record of the action(s) of TCARES.
- The Board will schedule regular Membership Meetings where Board Actions will be presented to the Membership for information.
- The amount and frequency of dues required for membership in TCARES is delineated in the TCARES By-Laws.
- By a five (5) vote majority, the Board may levy a special assessment on TCARES members. Any special assessment will not exceed three (3) times the amount of annual dues.
- The Board shall adopt an annual budget by January 31 of each year. If no budget is adopted in any year, the previous year’s budget shall be used. The annual budget shall reflect anticipated revenues and sources, and anticipated expenses and descriptions. It shall include an amount for savings, contingency, or reserve as determined by the Board.
- TCARES shall be a club member of the American Radio Relay League.
- TCARES is the sponsor of the Tuolumne County Area of the ARRL’s Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES). Tuolumne County ARES is an integral component of TCARES. ARES rules shall govern membership and officers / leaders of the Tuolumne County ARES.
- TCARES supports and endorses the Radio Amateur Communications Emergency Services (RACES) of the Tuolumne County Office of Emergency Services (OES).
- TCARES supports and endorses the American Red Cross.
- TCARES has been issued K6TUO as its call sign by the FCC.
- The President shall assign Trusteeship of the TCARES call sign provided that:
- The Trustee shall be a member of TCARES.
- Meets FCC requirements for Trustee.
- He or she shall not have had an Amateur Radio License denied, suspended, or revoked by the FCC at any time.
- TCARES is an IRS 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation. EIN: 77-0266803
- TCARES is a California tax exempt organization.
- The Board may initiate dissolution of TCARES by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board Members present at a Meeting of the Board.
- Dissolution will be effective only after the Board action is ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of TCARES members.
- Coincidental with dissolution action, the Board will determine the disbursement of TCARES assets as follows:
- No member or group of members shall receive any benefit from disbursement of said assets, unless said group is a non-profit organization.
- Equipment and supplies will be sold, and proceeds donated to a non-profit organization, or donated to a non-profit organization.
- All remaining cash will be donated to a non-profit organization.
This TCARES Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Members present at any Regular Membership Meeting.