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MARCH 8: Radio For the Rest of Us: During Disasters
March 8, 2022 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm PST
Radio For The Rest of Us – Presented for Tuolumne County
When: Mar 8, 2022 04:00 PM Pacific Time
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Most of us nowadays depend entirely upon cell-phone and Internet services to stay in touch with our friends and families. These services, in turn, depend upon billions of dollars of technology not to fail. The last few years have seen a dramatic rise in the frequency and intensity of storms, fires, power shutdowns, and other natural and man-made disasters – events which can disrupt these vital communications services for days or weeks and place lives at risk. With the ever-increasing impacts of climate change and Geo-political tensions, these disasters may only become more frequent and more intense – placing us all at greater risk.
For years, Amateur Radio Operators have used radios to support First Responders, such as OES, Red Cross and Animal Services, and restore communications during disasters. But what about “/the rest of us/;” our families, our friends, and our communities, who also lose potentially life-saving communications during these incidents? /Radio For The Rest of Us/ details how unique “Community Radio” programs can help Residents stay safer. For recent examples, we’ll cover the role these programs played during the Caldor fire and the December snow storm that crippled many communities throughout the Sierra foothills.
About Our Presenter
Alan Thompson, Amateur Radio call-sign W6WN, grew up and still lives in Placerville, California. Alan built his career as a commercial satellite Internet Field Engineer, and his clients include the Federal Aviation Agency, T-Mobile, the Department of Health Services, Facebook, and Bank of America. In 2018, Alan helped install several emergency satellite Internet backup systems to restore cell-phone service shortly after the Camp Fire destroyed Paradise. What he saw there first-hand, and then learned later about the colossal communications failures that occurred during the fire, turned Alan into an “/Accidental Evangelist/” for fire safety and the critical need for alternative communications systems during disasters.
Alan is currently serving as the Public Information Officer for the El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club, and is the Chief Advocate for non-Ham, /Neighborhood Radio Watch/ programs.
About The El Dorado County Neighborhood Radio Watch Program
Since 2019, the El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club has implemented community /Neighborhood Radio Watch/ programs to help Residents throughout El Dorado County learn how to use simple, inexpensive, “non-Ham” radios to help keep our neighbors safer in the event of wildfire, storms, or power shutdown when telephone and Internet communications become unavailable. For more information about the program, please visit http://edcarc.net/neighborhood-radio-watch/
/*About The El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club
The El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club is a “not-for-profit,” all-volunteer, Community Service organization. Members are not reimbursed for their Community services. All of the Community Radio equipment is provided at or below our out-of-pocket costs, and our general support services are offered free of charge. Donations to the Club to sustain our efforts are gratefully accepted but are not required nor expected. For more information, please visit our website at: http://edcarc.net.
Here is a recent newspaper article Alan Wrote for the Democrat: