Pacificon 2020, San Ramon California

Sam Ramon Marriott 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon, CA, United States

CANCELLED!!! Pacificon gives you three great days of activities for one low cost: * A full slate of outstanding Forum presentations about a wide range of amateur radio topics * Gordon West * Bob Heil * Youth Forum with Carole Perry * A large Vendor Expo filled with exciting products and exhibits * An outdoor […]


Pacificon 2023 Ham Radio Convention

Sam Ramon Marriott 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon, CA, United States --- Pacificon gives you three great days of activities for one low cost: * A full slate of outstanding Forum presentations about a wide range of amateur radio topics* Gordon West* Bob Heil* Youth Forum with Carole Perry* A large Vendor Expo filled with exciting products and exhibits* An outdoor Swap Meet* QRP activities* […]


SEA-PAC 2024, Seaside Oregon

SeaSide Oregon Sea Side, Oregon, United States

The Northwest's Largest Ham Convention and the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention To stay in formed about SEA-PAC, subscribe to the low volume eMailing List by sending an email with your name and callsign to Exhibits - Giant Flea Market - Workshops - Seminars Banquet - Prizes - VE Testing - DX & YL Luncheon […]

2025 Quartzfest Ham Radio Convention

Quartz AZ Quartz, AZ, United States

QuartzFest is special in part because it comes to life each year, rising from nothing in a remote area of the Sonoran desert in the southwestern USA. Hundreds of Hams and their families and friends choose to unplug from their daily lives, travel to and setup this desert community, and immerse themselves in this week-long […]