- This event has passed.
SEA-PAC 2024, Seaside Oregon
June 6, 2024 – June 9, 2024 PDT

The Northwest’s Largest Ham Convention
and the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention
To stay in formed about SEA-PAC, subscribe to the low volume eMailing List by sending an email with your name and callsign to info@seapac.org.
Commercial Exhibits – Giant Flea Market – Workshops – Seminars
Banquet – Prizes – VE Testing – DX & YL Luncheon
and lots more…
On the beautiful Pacific Ocean beach
Information: info@seapac.org
 | ABR Industries | www.abrind.com |
 | Alpha Antennas | www.alphaantenna.com |
 | Amateur Radio Relay Group / K7RPT | arrg.org |
 | American Radio Relay League Inc. / W1AW | www.arrl.org |
 | Arcom Controllers | www.arcomcontrollers.com |
 | Arlan Communications “Radio Headsets” | www.arlancommunications.com |
 | ARRL 7th QSL Bureau | ARRL 7th QSL Bureau (email) |
 | AT&T | Instagram.com/pacificmobileforce |
 | Buddipole | www.buddipole.com |
 | Cat Tails Design | —– |
 | Compudigital Industries | www.k6iok.com |
 | Data Environment | www.de-z.com |
 | DC Power, LLC | www.dcpwr.com |
 | Elecraft | www.elecraft.com |
 | Expert Electronics | www.nsiradio.com |
 | Expert Linears America, LLC | www.expertlinears.com |
 | Fast Track Ham Books & Presentations | www.fasttrackham.com |
 | Flex Radio Systems | www.flexradio.com |
 | Ham Gear by E&M Embroidery | www.hamgear.biz |
 | Ham Radio Outlet | www.hamradio.com |
 | Hip Ham Shirts | www.hiphamshirts.com |
 | Hi-Tech Liquidators | —— |
 | Icom America | www.icomamerica.com |
 | ICS Controllers | www.ics-ctrl.com |
 | J.Poles.com | www.jpoles.com |
 | JVCKenwood | www.kenwood.com/usa/com/amateur.com |
 | Larry’s Antennas | www.kj7u.com/ |
 | Martronics | www.martronics.org |
 | MFJ Enterprises | www.mfjenterprises.com |
 | NW Digital Radio | www.nwdigitalradio.com |
 | NCG Co. (Comet/Daiwa) | www.cometantenna.com |
 | Oregon ACES | www.oregonaces.org |
 | Pacific Amateur Radio Guild | www.pargguild.org |
 | Powerwerx | www.powerwerx.com |
 | Precise RF | www.preciserf.com |
 | QRPworks, LLC | www.QRPworks.com |
 | Rescue Tape NW | www.rescuetape.com |
 | steppIR Communications Systems | www.steppir.com |
 | Sunset Amateur Radio Club / W7BU | www.w7bu.club |
 | Ventenna Co. | www.ventenna.com |
 | Washington State Guard | mil.wa.gov/wsg-home |
 | Western Case | www.westerncasecompany.com |
 | Wired Communications | www.wiredco.com |
 | Yaesu USA | www.yaesu.com |
 | Young Ladies Radio League / YLRL | www.ylrl.org |