We had a GREAT Workshop!
On Saturday, April 27, TCARES members presented a workshop oriented toward new and potential Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) and to the general public who might not have a good understanding of what Ham Radio is all about. The workshop commenced at 0900 hours and ended about 1500 hours with topics including what to expect as you study for your FCC license exam, practice exams, demonstration stations, and mingling with current Hams of all stripes.
For the first ever workshop of this type, we have a great turnout of eight folks interested in learning more. The excitement and interest was palpable and there was no shortage of questions about all aspects of the hobby.
I want to especially thank all the TCARES members who showed up to help in any small way: Grayson KE6KYI, Mike W6MVM, Larry W6LDB, Ned N4NED, Sterling AE6RN, Lou WA6N, Dave W6PHO, Melissa KD6FFX, Doug KM6VYI. A very special thank you to Tuolumne County Sheriff Bill Pooley and the Community Services Unit for graciously permitting us the use of its facility in the Junction Shopping Center.
Watch this newsletter for the next Workshop, or perhaps a bone fide training program to teach folks the basics of Ham Radio at the Technician Level.