Visit from ARRL SJO Section May Meeting



I am pleased to announce that we will have a very special guest at the TCARES Membership Breakfast Meeting on May 11, 2019. Dan Sohn, Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, (and perhaps others) representing the San Joaquin Section of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) (Tuolumne County is in this Section) will be here to talk about ARRL, ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) and the San Joaquin Section. There have been significant changes at ARRL / ARES in the last few months as it tries to recover and maintain relevancy today’s world of electronics in the public safety world.

Bring your ideas and questions with you to the next TCARES Membership Breakfast Meeting: Saturday, May 11, 2019, at the My Garden Cafe on Mono Way in Sonora. Breakfast (on your own) starts about 0830 hours, the meeting commences at 0930 hours.

I am moving out of the state in the near future, so I have resigned my position as the Tuolumne ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC). This will be a good opportunity to learn more about ARES and perhaps consider if you or a Ham you know would be a good fit to step up and take the assignment as the next ARES Area EC.

Larry Crabtree, KJ6QVI