CANCELLED!!! Pacificon gives you three great days of activities for one low cost: * A full slate of outstanding Forum presentations about a wide range of amateur radio topics * Gordon West * Bob Heil * Youth Forum with Carole Perry * A large Vendor Expo filled with exciting products and exhibits * An outdoor Swap Meet * QRP activities * Youth Activities * Electronics kit building and soldering instruction * A One Day License Prep Class to prepare you to pass the amateur radio Technician license examination and get your first amateur radio license * A One Day License Prep […]
The Northwest’s Largest Ham Convention and the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Avenue, Seaside, OR 97138 SEA-PAC 2020 is June 5-7, 2020 The 2020 theme is “Embrace the Solar Minimum Challenge” Thank you for attending SEA-PAC 2019! 2019 Workshop presentations and videos are now available here 2019 Seminar presentations are now available here We look forward to seeing you in 2020! 2019 Workshop presentations and videos are now available To stay in formed about SEA-PAC, subscribe to the low volume eMailing List by sending an email with your name and callsign to Commercial Exhibits – […]
QuartzFest is a week-long ham radio, camping, learning and living event. QuartzFest 2020, celebrating its 25th anniversary, is an ARRL Specialty Convention being held January 19 to 25, 2020 near Quartzsite, Arizona in the United States. No other hamfest in the world brings together in one gathering so much innovation in mobile antenna systems, mobile ham shacks, recreational vehicles, portable and mobile EMCOMM systems, off-the-grid living, alternative energy and radio education. A Very Unique Ham Radio Gathering QuartzFest is special in part because it comes to life each year, rising from nothing in a remote area of the Sonoran desert in […]