2.5 Hours of travel time from SONORA (up Hi-way 49) The first Hamfest of 2024 at the historic Loomis Train Depot. There will be plenty of coffee and donuts for you to enjoy while you shop for gear at our Club Table and swap meet, attending presentations. Come on out rain or shine!! DEPOT TIME Depot Time is where you get to learn new things. Currently, we are working hard in our shack to bring you informative and exciting topics. Stay tuned and check back often. ELMER TOURS Are you a new ham? Or just wondering what all this stuff is […]
The Northwest’s Largest Ham Convention and the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention To stay in formed about SEA-PAC, subscribe to the low volume eMailing List by sending an email with your name and callsign to Exhibits – Giant Flea Market – Workshops – Seminars Banquet – Prizes – VE Testing – DX & YL Luncheon and lots more… On the beautiful Pacific Ocean beach Information: Facebook: SEA-PAC ABR Industries Alpha Antennas Amateur Radio Relay Group / K7RPT American Radio Relay League Inc. / W1AW Arcom Controllers Arlan Communications “Radio […] acificon awarded radios to the youngest ham and twin 11 year old girls from Napa that passed their Technician exam on Saturday morning, the second and third youngest. With permission, above is their reaction to their exam results with their proud father Nik W6QY. Over $11,000 was given out as prizes. Three jumpers made parachute mobile contacts. People Got On The Air at the Special Event Station W1AW/6 hosted by Elecraft released the KH1 radio and we gave one away as a grand prize to an attendee. Wayne Burdick N6KR interview by KK6USY. Pete Harris was awarded Volunteer of […]
QuartzFest is special in part because it comes to life each year, rising from nothing in a remote area of the Sonoran desert in the southwestern USA. Hundreds of Hams and their families and friends choose to unplug from their daily lives, travel to and setup this desert community, and immerse themselves in this week-long one-of-a-kind ham radio, camping, learning and living event. The educational classes at QuartzFest offer something for everyone including those new to ham radio or even the most seasoned veteran. QuartzFest is a week-long ham radio, camping, learning and living event. QuartzFest is an ARRL Specialty Convention […] — Pacificon gives you three great days of activities for one low cost: * A full slate of outstanding Forum presentations about a wide range of amateur radio topics* Gordon West* Bob Heil* Youth Forum with Carole Perry* A large Vendor Expo filled with exciting products and exhibits* An outdoor Swap Meet* QRP activities* Youth Activities* Electronics kit building and soldering instruction* A One Day License Prep Class to prepare you to pass the amateur radio Technician license examination and get your first amateur radio license* A One Day License Prep Class to prepare you to upgrade to the General […]
From: Information About Quartz-Pause 2021 QUARTZFEST is now “QUARTZ-PAUSE” 2021 YES, Quartzfest is now Quartz-PAUSE 2021, same BLM place, same station, same excitement , Sunday January 17 through Saturday January 23rd, 2021. “NOTHING WILL BE ORGANIZED”….just like the first 4 years of Quartzfest 25 years ago! WHO IS IN CHARGE???….NO ONE IS IN CHARGE!! We are all ON OUR OWN!! Covid-19 precautions preclude our regular tent gatherings, tent registrations, packed seminars, and the like. Social physical distancing and masks will keep us on-point to avoid any virus during this pandemic. Quartz-PAUSE will continue to be radio ACTIVE. Talk in on […]