Ham Exam Scheduled: JUNE 25 TCARES will offer a HAM License Exam session. All classes of testing will be offered. This session is open to all who want to take the FCC Ham Exam. All new applicants must have an FRN number and an email address for the paperwork. Bring two forms of Identification. (Drivers License and Credit Card or Phone Bill) Also bring $15 for the testing fee. —GET REQUIRED FRN NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS —Questions:Grayson KE6KYIpapa-bird@sbcglobal.net209-962-4661
VE Session
Sonora CA Ham Exam Scheduled: NOV 13, 2021 TCARES will offer a HAM License Exam session on SATURDAY NOV 13 @ 9:30 am All classes of testing will be offered. This session is open to all who want to take the FCC Ham Exam. All new applicants must have an FRN number and an email address for the paperwork. Bring two forms of Identification. (Drivers License and Credit Card or Phone Bill) Also bring $15 for the testing fee. —GET REQUIRED FRN NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS— Address Groveland Evangelical Free Church 19172 Ferretti Rd Groveland, CA 95321 https://goo.gl/maps/BzEsSpB3UCU6yJ7H6 —Questions:Grayson KE6KYIpapa-bird@sbcglobal.net209-962-4661
Sonora CA HAM EXAM SESSION Sponsor: TCARESTime: 9:30 AM (Walk-ins allowed) Contact: Grayson L. Rehn (209) 962-4661 What to Bring to an ARRL Exam Session: 1. MANDATORY BEFORE THE EXAM FCC Registration Number (FRN): Examinees are required by the FCC to submit your FRN with your license application form. New license applicants must create an FCC user account and register their Social Security Number (SSN) in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions. Registrants will be assigned an FRN which will be used in all license transactions with the FCC. For instructions on how to register your SSN and receive an FRN from the FCC, visit the CORES Registration page […]
PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 DA 20-467 ORIGINAL PDF FILE Released: April 30, 2020 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU CONFIRMS THAT AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS MAY BE HELD REMOTELY The Amateur Radio Service provides opportunities for self-training, intercommunication, and technical investigations for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. To operate an Amateur Radio Service station, an operator must have an FCC license. The Commission issues three classes of operator licenses, each authorizing a different level of privilege.1 The class for […]
CANCELLED: Sonora CA HAM EXAM SESSION 04/25/2020Sponsor: TCARES Date: Apr 25 2020 Time: 9:00 AM (Walk-ins allowed) Contact: Grayson L. Rehn (209) 962-4661 Email: papa-bird@sbcglobal.net VEC: ARRL/VEC Location: Sonora County Library 480 Greenley Rd Meeting Room Sonora CA 95370-5956
Sonora CA HAM EXAM SESSION 02/22/2020 Sponsor: TCARESDate: Feb 22 2020 Time: 9:00 AM (Walk-ins allowed) Contact: Grayson L. Rehn(209) 962-4661Email: papa-bird@sbcglobal.netVEC: ARRL/VECLocation: Sonora County Library480 Greenley RdMeeting RoomSonora CA 95370-5956