Things you could do as you are sheltering in place

Links to every FEMA NIMS & ARRL on-line course of interest to ARES.

If you get into this do the ARRL EC-016 last – or you might get discouraged & miss all of the good ones.

As many of us are working from home or are spending more time at home here are a number of online courses you may take to expand your skills as emergency radio operators.

Basic (read: must have)
IS-100.c Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
IS-200.c Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
IS-700.b An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
IS-800.c National Response Framework, an Introduction

EC-001 Introduction to Emergency Communication (guided and self-study options available)

Advanced (read: nice to have)


IS-120.c An Introduction to Exercises

IS-230.d Fundamentals of Emergency Management

IS-235.c Emergency Planning

IS-240.b Leadership & Influence

IS-241.b Decision Making & Problem Solving

IS-242.b Effective Communications

IS-244.b Developing & Managing Volunteers

IS-288.a Role of Voluntary Organizations in Emergency Mgt. 

IS-2200 Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions


EC-016 Public Service and Emergency Communication Management for Radio Amateurs

PR-101 Public Relations 101 for Radio Amateurs

Another good course might be: 

IS-520: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas

They also recommend that you obtain a copy of the national ARES Task Book
Obviously, that task book was not developed with the needs and requirements of West Coast ARES groups in mind. But nevertheless it can serve as an approximate basis for your personal skills development.


Every try to stay safe and follow the shelter in place guidelines.