Tuolumne County Amateur Radio Electronics Society has joined Amazon Smiles. Amazon smiles is a charitable organization with Amazon.com. When you choose to use our amazon smiles link we, as a Non profit, will receive a half percent of the eligible purchase. Amazon Smiles Link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/77-0266803 If you are an IOS or Android user please: Go to your app store and download the amazon shopping app. Login to your account like normal Go to settings Select Amazon Smiles and turn feature on Select Tuolumne County Amateur Radio Electronics Society as your charity of choice. * Thank You For All Your Future Help!!
We are asking all members to update their contact information and sharing preferences. Please fill out this form here. TCARES membership is open to everyone. As a member of TCARES, your dues help support a variety of club activities. Membership fees provide for maintenance fees for the club repeaters across the county. Funds are also used to support TCARES’ portable communication gear, and pay for printing and the club marketing materials. In addition, your dues help TCARES provide emergency service training, education and testing for license upgrading and community service. Members joining as a new member in April, May or June, […]
Greetings TCARES Members and Friends! I am happy to announce that TCARES (Tuolumne County Amateur Radio & Electronics Society) has almost 100 dues paying members. The dues paid by members is the only source of reliable revenue received by the club. It helps to defray the costs of maintaining the five (5) mountain top repeaters in Tuolumne County. I want to thank all those who join the club and pay the annual dues of $30. Submit a New Application As you may recall, the club has historically distributed to its members a list of all the members, along with contact information […]