UPDATED FOOD RESOURCES HERE Download this Tuolumne County Resources Booklet ——- **Interfaith is offering food delivery from items they have in stock in their food pantry. Must be 65 or older. Food is free, donations are accepted. Please call 532-0905 to sign-up. **The Senior Center is offering to-go meals for seniors age 60 and over. Please call 533-2622 by 9am to reserve your meal. **Area 12 – Home-Maker Program provides a grocery shopping service for seniors. Please call A12 at: 532-6272 and ask for the Home-Maker program. **Dollar General in Soulsbyville is having Senior Only Hours, 8:00am – 9:00 am; **Save Mart is offering […]
Monthly Archives: March 2020
Links to every FEMA NIMS & ARRL on-line course of interest to ARES. If you get into this do the ARRL EC-016 last – or you might get discouraged & miss all of the good ones. As many of us are working from home or are spending more time at home here are a number of online courses you may take to expand your skills as emergency radio operators. Basic (read: must have)FEMAIS-100.c Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100IS-200.c Basic Incident Command System for Initial ResponseIS-700.b An Introduction to the National Incident Management SystemIS-800.c National Response Framework, an Introduction ARRLEC-001 Introduction to Emergency Communication (guided and self-study […]