By David McNeil W6PHO We are now entering the “Solar Maximum” part of Solar Cycle 25, which could mean four years of excellent conditions for DXing. Maximum solar activity increases ionization in the “F” region of the ionosphere (150-250 miles up) which facilitates daytime 20 to10-meter propagation and nighttime 40 through 10-meter propagation. If you’re wondering when to look for DX, the SN (Sunspot Number) may help. While the SN is the result of observation and calculation with some tricky statistics thrown in (for a “smoothed” number), it is often a good indicator of conditions for DXing. The highest SN count […]
Amateur Radio
C.A.R.S to provide Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Condiments, plastic ware and the BBQs. TCARES to provide water, soda, ice, sliced tomatoes and Onions. All attending, please bring a side dish or desert. The location has a covered seating area perfect for rain or shine. A table will be provided for a swap meet. Questions? Call Steven Airola, CARS President, W6RXK, 209 770 3263.
2024 Father’s Day Fly-in Public Info Table TCARES ham radio club will set up a public information and radio demonstration table at the 2024 Father’s Day Fly-in with other vendors and public agencies and organizations. Will you volunteer? The information booth will be open for about 6 hours on Saturday, can you work a 2 or 3 hour shift and help hand out flyers and demo radios? if so, please email and indicate when you can help in the booth.
TCARES ham radio club will set up a public information and radio demonstration table at the 2024 Father’s Day Fly-in with other vendors and public agencies and organizations. Will you volunteer? The information booth will be open for about 6 hours on Saturday, can you work a 2 or 3 hour shift and help hand out flyers and demo radios? if so, please email and indicate when you can help in the booth. Schedule of Events – Saturday (from 9:00 – Vendor Booths Open & Rides Begin 11:30 am to 3:00 pm – Runway Closed for Aerial Demonstrations 8:00 […]
TCARES ham radio club will set up a public information and radio demonstration table at the 2024 Father’s Day Fly-in with other vendors and public agencies and organizations. Will you volunteer? The information booth will be open for about 6 hours on Saturday, can you work a 2 or 3 hour shift and help hand out flyers and demo radios? if so, please email and indicate when you can help in the booth. Schedule of Events – Saturday (from 9:00 – Vendor Booths Open & Rides Begin 11:30 am to 3:00 pm – Runway Closed for Aerial Demonstrations 8:00 […] 2.5 Hours of travel time from SONORA (up Hi-way 49) The first Hamfest of 2024 at the historic Loomis Train Depot. There will be plenty of coffee and donuts for you to enjoy while you shop for gear at our Club Table and swap meet, attending presentations. Come on out rain or shine!! DEPOT TIME Depot Time is where you get to learn new things. Currently, we are working hard in our shack to bring you informative and exciting topics. Stay tuned and check back often. ELMER TOURS Are you a new ham? Or just wondering what all this stuff is […]